A few years ago we worked on an art project in collaboration with a local artist, Alastair Nicholson, and St Silas Church. A banner about Advent was created and displayed outside our school and St Silas Church. The banner represented the journey Mary and Joseph made from Nazareth to Bethlehem and was very effective.
We are now working with Alastair and Rev Sheelagh on a further project to complement this previous one and to celebrate the many different cultures and faiths represented in our school and community. Building on the idea of a journey in our previous banner, our new banner will represent significant journeys our children and families have made during their lifetime or if you wish in previous generations. The banner will be displayed in our school entrance.
Many of our families have made significant journeys from across the world or within Britain and we would like to celebrate this. Others may have made journeys to visit relatives or to go on holiday and we would love to include these in our art work too.
Alastair is going to work with Year 5 children in school on the project but we would like all children and their families to have the opportunity to contribute. Therefore we invite you to complete the attached sheet with your children and return it to school. These will be passed onto Alastair, who will incorporate as many as possible into the art work.