EYFS-Year 4

  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Purple v-neck jumper with our badge
  • Purple cardigan with our badge
  • Plain white polo shirt
  • Grey or white socks or tights
  • Hair accessories- white, purple or purple check
  • Purple check summer dress
  • Black school shoes or black trainers
  • Waterproof warm winter coat.

 Year 5 and Year 6

  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
  • Purple v-neck jumper with our badge
  • Purple cardigan with our badge
  • Plain white shirt with a collar-optional
  • Purple and gold tie-optional
  • Grey or white socks or tights
  • Hair accessories- white, purple or purple check
  • Purple check summer dress
  • Black school shoes or black trainers
  • Waterproof warm winter coat.

PE Uniform

  • White PE top with badge (plain white T-shirt maybe worn instead)
  • Black shorts or joggers
  • Purple Hoodie with our badge (optional) for outdoor learning
  • Black pumps for indoor PE
  • Black trainers for outdoor PE (KS2)

Children wear the P.E. uniform all day when they have P.E. lessons.

All uniform can be purchased at any store other than the purple jumpers with a badge. These can be purchased from Whittakers  The school organises the collection of used uniforms in order to redistribute them. This helps to save parents money and to reduce waste. Please speak to the school office for more details.


  • Watches and health trackers such as a child’s Fitbit may be worn. Smart watches cannot be worn.
  • Very small studs may be worn. These need to be removed before P.E. Therefore if you child is going to have their ears pierced please do so at he start of the summer holidays.

We ask that children are dressed in clothes suitable for the weather. If wellingtons are worn, children should also bring their school shoes to change into. A named peg can be useful for keeping wellingtons together.

All items of clothing must be labelled clearly with your child's name.


school uniform

School Uniform Policy

Updated: 08/02/2023 405 KB