Christmas Art in Year 4
We have been working with a local artist and St Silas Church to create a Christmas art event. AS we walk to church for our CHristmas service the children will follow stars. Some children will carry stars and they will be displayed in a light box above the nativity scene.
Stay and Play
Come and join us at our Stay and Play sessions in our school hall. They are aimed at all children who are not yet old enough for school including babies. It is a great way to make new friends for both you and your children. It helps get children ready for school through developing social skills.
History in KS1
KS1 have been using artefacts in History to compare our old school building to our new school building using log books, photos and written records.
Prayer Spaces
St Silas is having a day of prayer. Our school hall has been converted into different prayer spaces. Every child in school will have the opportunity to pray, if they wish, in these prayer spaces.
outdoor prayer area
We are looking forward tot he bIshop of Blackburn opening our outdoor prayer area this afternoon.
KS1 DT Fridge Magnets
KS1 have made fridge magnets in DT.
Recipe4Health Gold Award
We are very pleased to say that we have been awarded a gold recipe4health award. More information can be found on:
Visual Impairment Awareness
Our Year 5 children took part in various activities to understand the impact of a visual impairment. it helped to develop empathy for people with visual impairment.
Healthy Mind Healthy Body Superlearning Day
Today we have learned all about the brain and how to keep our bodies healthy.
Bronze Award for Teeth Brushing
We have been awarded a bronze award for brushing teeth in our Reception class.
Spelling Shed in Year 2
Year 2 children loved exploring Spelling Shed this morning, they have looked at all of their spelling patterns they have learnt this year so far! Log ins will be sent home for them to practise.
Year 4 science Sounds
The children explored how sound waves can travel through different mediums.