DT Year 4 Feb 25
Year 3 and 4 designed and made their own jam tarts.
Choice Wheel for Internet Safety in Year 3
In Year 3 we have been looking at how we can keep ourselves safe on the internet. We looked at Dilemmas and what choices we would make using our Choice Wheel.
Year 3 fractions
Y3 have been using a bar model to help find fractions of a set of objects.
Typography in Year 3
Y3 have enjoyed learning about typography and applied this skill when creating their own 3D visual map.
Year 3 Magnets
Y3 learnt about the North and South poles of a magnet and made their own compass. They have also been investigating which magnet was the strongest.
Multiplication in Year 3
Birch class have been learning how to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
Year 3 Magnets through materials
Y3 have been investigating which materials magnets can attract through.
Magnets in Year 3
Year 3 had a great time exploring which materials in their classroom were magnetic.
Science in Year 3
Birch class have been investigating if people with the longest legs can jump the furthest