World Book Day 2025
Everyone enjoyed World Book Day. We all enjoyed activities connected to books and enjoyed sharing our favourite books.
Follow the Star
Our children followed stars all along St Silas Road to our Christmas service. Beech class children led us in a wonderful service about how Christmas is celebrated across the world. Thank you to Father Paul for his fabulous welcome and words. Year 4 children made the stars with St Silas artists Alistair. They also made stars for the light wall in St Silas Church.
Christmas Art in Year 4
We have been working with a local artist and St Silas Church to create a Christmas art event. AS we walk to church for our CHristmas service the children will follow stars. Some children will carry stars and they will be displayed in a light box above the nativity scene.
Spiral Artwork
KS1 have been drawing spirals in art.
Art work at our local care home
A group of our children visited our local care home and painted their wall. We love visiting the care home. We are very proud of our art work.
Stick Transformation Project.
Year 1 and Year 2 have made Guatemalan worry dolls and Tree Houses.
EYFS Bonfire Art
Ash class worked together using paint and marbles to create this beautiful firework art
EYFS self portraits
EYFS used mirrors to help the draw a self portrait.
Year 4 Food Art
Miniature Food Art
Clay Pots in Year 6
Year 6 enjoyed using making pinch pots and wave pots. Some of these pots are on display in the school entrance.
Joan Miro Art Year 5
Year 5 enjoyed creating collages inspired by the artist Joan Miro.
Typography in Year 3
Y3 have enjoyed learning about typography and applied this skill when creating their own 3D visual map.
Year 5 Art
Year 5 have been improving their drawing skills and using ink.
KS1 Caveman Art
Key Stage 1 children have been developing their art skills using charcoal.