Nativity 2024
Everyone loved watching Reception class nativity supported by KS1. Our Year 1 narrators were amazing. Well done everyone.
KS1 visit to Blackburn Museum
KS1 had a great time learning about our local history at Blackburn museum.
PSHE Year 1
We have been learning about the different groups we belong to and how we are surrounded with lots of love.
RE in Year 1
Year 1 children did some role play in RE today. THey acted out when Angel Gabriel came to visit Mary. They used Widgets to help them sequence their acting.
History in KS1
KS1 have been using artefacts in History to compare our old school building to our new school building using log books, photos and written records.
KS1 DT Fridge Magnets
KS1 have made fridge magnets in DT.
Empathy in Year 2
Willow class has been looking at animal welfare and all about empathy in PSHE. We put on our empathy glasses yesterday to see if we could imagine how other people were feeling in different scenarios!
Year 2 local area work
Year 2 have been studying our local area in Geography. We have been looking at all of the different physical and human features we have in our area. We will be conducting some fieldwork in a few weeks time with a visit to Corporation Park.
Road Safety Parade
Year 1 children attended the Road Safety parade in Blackburn.
Brilliant Book Award
Lancashire School Library Brilliant Book Awards 2022
KS1 Caveman Art
Key Stage 1 children have been developing their art skills using charcoal.