Care Home Visit
Care Home Birthday Party
Care Home Tea Party
Alder class have a class campaign about loneliness in the elderly. A part of their campaign they invited our local care home for afternoon tea. Our children enjoyed talking to our visitors, playing games with them and reading them a story.
Sam's Diary-A book about Mental health for Children
Thank you to One Voice for providing a book for every child in Year 4 and 5.
Follow the Star
Our children followed stars all along St Silas Road to our Christmas service. Beech class children led us in a wonderful service about how Christmas is celebrated across the world. Thank you to Father Paul for his fabulous welcome and words. Year 4 children made the stars with St Silas artists Alistair. They also made stars for the light wall in St Silas Church.
Nativity 2024
Everyone loved watching Reception class nativity supported by KS1. Our Year 1 narrators were amazing. Well done everyone.
Year 2 RE and PSHE
Year 2 have really enjoyed learning all about angels and how they bring us good news. We have learnt about Elizabeth and Zechariah and Mary and Joseph. We role played the story to see how Mary and Joseph would feel hearing the news they were going to have a baby! In PSHE Year 2 have been looking at belonging and how we all belong to different groups. We have been comparing our families and how they are all different but all filled with love! Look at our wonderful houses we made with our families inside.
Tea party for parents
The children in our rainbow room have been busy baking all week preparing for a tea party with the parents and carers this afternoon.
Christmas Art in Year 4
We have been working with a local artist and St Silas Church to create a Christmas art event. AS we walk to church for our CHristmas service the children will follow stars. Some children will carry stars and they will be displayed in a light box above the nativity scene.
Stay and Play
Come and join us at our Stay and Play sessions in our school hall. They are aimed at all children who are not yet old enough for school including babies. It is a great way to make new friends for both you and your children. It helps get children ready for school through developing social skills.
outdoor prayer area
We are looking forward tot he bIshop of Blackburn opening our outdoor prayer area this afternoon.
Visual Impairment Awareness
Our Year 5 children took part in various activities to understand the impact of a visual impairment. it helped to develop empathy for people with visual impairment.
Healthy Mind Healthy Body Superlearning Day
Today we have learned all about the brain and how to keep our bodies healthy.
Bronze Award for Teeth Brushing
We have been awarded a bronze award for brushing teeth in our Reception class.
More Children's University Photographs
Further to our ChIldren's University graduation on Saturday we held an assembly in school. More children were given their certificates.
Children's University Graduation
On Saturday lots of our children attended the CHildren's University Graduation at Blackburn University to receive their awards. well done everyone.
Art work at our local care home
A group of our children visited our local care home and painted their wall. We love visiting the care home. We are very proud of our art work.
Care Home Afternoon Tea
We had a lovely time when residents of our nearby care home visited us for afternoon tea.
The Last Supper
Year 2 have been learning about Jesus' Last Supper. They made models.
World Book Day 2024
What a fantastic World Book Day!
Let's Go SIng 2024
Our school choir had a wonderful time at Let's Go SIng 2024 at King George's Hall.
Year 6 Hothersall Lodge Feb 2024
Year 6 had a fabulous time at Hothersall Lodge. It was a great way to celebrate Children's Mental health week. Please Click to see our photograph albums.
Father Christmas
We were very excited when Father Christmas came to visit us. Thank you Santa for our pressies.
Visit to care home
Our choir visited our local care home to sing for them and to deliver a Christmas present.
No Laminating Campaign
Our Year 6 children are campaigning to stop teachers laminating as it is bad for our world. They have persuaded the teachers to have a No Laminating January. Please see our video : {youtube:rSwoit3UAxU}
Year 6 visit to Parbold Douglas School
Year 6 had a fabulous time visiting Parbold Douglas Primary School. They worked together on a Young Leaders initiative.
Road Safety Parade
Year 1 children attended the Road Safety parade in Blackburn.
1970s Christmas Tree in Blackburn Exchange
Please visit the Christmas Tree festival inThe Exchange in Blackburn to see our 1970s decorated Christmas tree. See below for more photographs and details.
Blackburn Rovers Community Trust and St Silas
Please see the link below to Blackburn Rovers Community Trust news item and video about our partnership with them and the Premier League Trophy.
Premier League Trophy Visit
The Premier League PrImary Stars visited St Silas on Friday 13th October. They brought the Premier League Trophy with them. Please see our slideshow below.
Parbold Douglas Primary School Partnership
This year we are working with Parbold Douglas Primary School. On 5th October 2023 PArbold Year 6 visited us. Please watch our video.
Earthquake Disaster Appeal
A huge thank you to parents, staff and children for all the generous donations. We have a tremendous amount of food, toiletries, nappies and clothing to help the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria!
Friends of St Silas (FOSS)
St Silas is in the process of setting up a Friends of St Silas group (FOSS) which is a charitable group to support the school in its activities and fundraising events.
Odd Sock Day
We started our work on Anti Bullying with odd sock day. All the children and adults wore odd socks to school. During this week our children learned what bullying is and what to do if they think someone is being bullied.
Interfaith Day 2022
For the second year we visited the Olive School in Blackburn along with other local schools to celebrate interfaith Week.
St Catherine's Hospice Cheque Presentation
Year 5 were delighted to present a cheque to Mr Norman Cutler from @StCatherinesPre for the grand total of £1293.71 which we raised at our Santa Dash in December. @CidariEducation #Charities #fundraising #proud
Santa Dash
We are so proud of Year 5 who completed a Santa Dash in Corporation Park on 3/12/2021. We are still collecting sponsor money but the children have raised in excess of £1000!
Toilet Twinning
The certificates have finally come for our toilet twinning fund raising! Just in time for World Toilet Day. Congratulations to last year's Rowan class (now Beech) for raising money to build facilities for other people in the world.