Image of School Mental Health Award
28 Jun

School Mental Health Award

We are delighted that St Silas Primary School has been awarded the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools ‘School Mental Health Award’ – Bronze​ Status in partnership with Schools Advisory Service.

Image of Ofsted  Good
7 Jun

Ofsted Good

Pupils feel a strong sense of belonging at St Silas’s CofE Primary School. They know that all members of the school community care greatly about them. This helps pupils to feel safe. They told inspectors that seeing their teachers makes them happy. Pupils said that they enjoy learning

Image of Easyfundraising
1 Mar


Please help to raise funds for our school by shopping online through easyfundraising.

Image of Year 6 activity holiday Feb 2023
20 Feb

Year 6 activity holiday Feb 2023

Year 6 visited High Adventures in Yorkshire. They stayed for two nights. They had the opportunity to take part in climbing activities, orienteering, archery and teambuilding games.

Image of Year 6 Residential Trip Day 2
10 Feb

Year 6 Residential Trip Day 2

Day 2 of the residential trip. Archery, orienteering, low ropes, climbing, abseiling and lots more. Fantastic!!

Image of Year 6 Residential Trip Day 1
10 Feb

Year 6 Residential Trip Day 1

Residential Day 1 - what a fantastic day of fund and challenges!

Image of Earthquake Disaster Appeal
10 Feb

Earthquake Disaster Appeal

A huge thank you to parents, staff and children for all the generous donations. We have a tremendous amount of food, toiletries, nappies and clothing to help the victims of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria!

Image of Children's Mental Health Week
10 Feb

Children's Mental Health Week

A huge thank you to the Mental Health Schools Team (MHST) for working with our Lower KS2 children during Children's Mental Health Week.

Image of Martin Mere Trip
3 Feb

Martin Mere Trip

On a very wet Wednesday Year 1 and 2 went on a trip to Martin Mere.

Image of Food Hygiene Award
19 Jan

Food Hygiene Award

The local authority visited our premises this month and awarded our kitchen Level 5 Very Good for our Food Hygiene.   Congratulations to Lorraine and her team for their hard work in maintaining these high standards.

Image of Friends of St Silas (FOSS)
13 Jan

Friends of St Silas (FOSS)

St Silas is in the process of setting up a Friends of St Silas group (FOSS) which is a charitable group to support the school in its activities and fundraising events.

Image of Creating Electrical Circuits
9 Jan

Creating Electrical Circuits

Exploring electrical circuits